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Who is governing international courts and tribunals? On the need for an institutional law approach

851 Vues
Blokker Niels
mardi 17 novembre 2015
Faculté de droit - Département de droit international public et organisation internationale - INPUB
Dans le cadre du cours intitulé Organisation internationale de la professeure Laurence Boisson de Chazournes, en partenariat avec la Société européenne de droit international, le professeur Niels Blokker, Professor of International and Institutional Law, Université de Leiden, Pays Bas, donnera une conférence sur le thème :
Who is governing international courts and tribunals ? On the need for an institutional law approach
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Who is governing international courts and tribunals? On the need for an institutional law approach

Who is governing international courts and tribunals? On the need for an institutional law approach

Who is governing international courts and tribunals? On the need for an institutional law approach

Niels Blokker
mardi 17 novembre 2015