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Communication and campaign

407 Vues
mercredi 1 juin 2022
Rectorat - Service égalité et diversité
4:15 pm How to communicate and break silence?

Keynote: Brigitte Mantilleri | Consultant, Geneva

4:25 pm Discussion

Moderation: Kevin Coutinho | Athena Swan Manager, University College London


Marco Cattaneo | Director Communication Office, University of Geneva

Brigitte Mantilleri | Consultant, Geneva

David von Ritter | Cavalcade Marketing agency, Lausanne

Morgane Wüthrich | Director Equality Office, University of Neuchâtel

5:25 pm Speca(c)tor /Theatre Forum international

6:55 pm End of the conference
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LERU conference / 1-2 June 2022

Institutions' commitment

Institutions' commitment

Yves Flückiger, Brigitte Mantilleri, Brigitte Galliot, Juliette Labarthe, Karen Maex, Michel Deneken, Kevin Coutinho, Isabelle Kraus, Brigitte Tag, Anette Agardh, Tomas Brage, Maria Mortensen, Núria Rodríguez Ávila, Alice Débauche
mercredi 1 juin 2022
Cost of harrassment for universities

Cost of harrassment for universities

Bettina Palazzo, Corinne Charbonnel, Jérôme Lacour, Myret Zaki, Verane Achard, Adèle B.combes, Lucile Peytavin, Irene Schmidlin
mercredi 1 juin 2022
Communication and campaign

Communication and campaign

Brigitte Mantilleri, Kevin Coutinho, Marco Cattaneo, David Von Ritter, Morgane Wüthrich
mercredi 1 juin 2022
Building bridges between field and theory Part_1

Building bridges between field and theory Part_1

Patrick Meraldi, Aude Thorel, Niels Dupont, Isabelle Kraus, Christine Sattiva Spring, Hélène Rey-Hanson, Pete Mandeville, Karin Gilland Lutz
jeudi 2 juin 2022
Building bridges between field and theory Part_2

Building bridges between field and theory Part_2

Prénom Nom, Klea Faniko, Liisa Husu, Lorraine Leeson, Jadranka Gvozdanović, Louise Carvalho, Aya Ezawa, Eileen Drew
jeudi 2 juin 2022
Student's involvement in prevention

Student's involvement in prevention

Angèle Gayet-Ageron, Camille Bleeker, Giorgia Magni, Marion Albert, Lara Chavaz, Diane Higelin, Severina Kidikova, Tiia Niemi, Laure Razon, Tanya Orozco-Hinojosa
jeudi 2 juin 2022
And tomorrow Agenda of the future

And tomorrow Agenda of the future

Brigitte Mantilleri, Isabelle Kraus
jeudi 2 juin 2022