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Theme 2: Funerary Archaeology and Anthropology Part 2 led by Dr. Claudine Abegg

448 Vues
Besse Marie
vendredi 22 janvier 2021
Institut des Sciences de l'Environnement - Directement rattaché a l'institut
10:30–10:50 J. Ryan-Despraz
C. Nicolas
GreatWarriors? Great Hunters? Something Else?
Biographies of the Bell Beaker Archers and their
Equipment from the Czech Republic
10:50–11:10 A. Caraglio
P. Ríos
C. Liesau
A Bipartite Network Analysis of Bell Beaker Decoration
Diversity in Camino de Las Yeseras (Madrid, Spain)
11:10–11:30 M. Penco
L. Sarti
Environmental and Economic Assets of Bell Beakers
in the Florentine Plain (Italy). New Data from Fosso di
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22nd Meeting of "Archéologie et Gobelets" The Bell Beaker Culture in All its Forms

Theme 1: Archaeological Material Part 1 led by Dr. Florian Cousseau

Theme 1: Archaeological Material Part 1 led by Dr. Florian Cousseau

Marie Besse
jeudi 21 janvier 2021
Theme 1: Archaeological Material Part 2 led by Eve Derenne

Theme 1: Archaeological Material Part 2 led by Eve Derenne

Marie Besse
jeudi 21 janvier 2021
Theme 1: Archaeological Material Part 3 led by Delia Carloni

Theme 1: Archaeological Material Part 3 led by Delia Carloni

Marie Besse
jeudi 21 janvier 2021
Theme 1: Archaeological Material Part 4 led by Delia Carloni

Theme 1: Archaeological Material Part 4 led by Delia Carloni

Marie Besse
jeudi 21 janvier 2021
Theme 2: Funerary Archaeology and Anthropology Part 1 led by Jessica Ryan-Despraz

Theme 2: Funerary Archaeology and Anthropology Part 1 led by Jessica Ryan-Despraz

Marie Besse
vendredi 22 janvier 2021
Theme 2: Funerary Archaeology and Anthropology Part 2 led by Dr. Claudine Abegg

Theme 2: Funerary Archaeology and Anthropology Part 2 led by Dr. Claudine Abegg

Marie Besse
vendredi 22 janvier 2021
Theme 2: Funerary Archaeology and Anthropology Part 3 led by Prof. Marie Besse

Theme 2: Funerary Archaeology and Anthropology Part 3 led by Prof. Marie Besse

Marie Besse
vendredi 22 janvier 2021
Theme 2: Funerary Archaeology and Anthropology Part 4 led by Dr. Florian Cousseau

Theme 2: Funerary Archaeology and Anthropology Part 4 led by Dr. Florian Cousseau

Marie Besse
vendredi 22 janvier 2021