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Career Discovery: Science administration

974 Vues
Marc Zbinden, Head of unit NCCR, Swiss National Science Foundation
Zbinden Marc
mercredi 29 novembre 2017
Faculté de médecine - PhD school of medicine
Dr. Marc Zbinden studied in Berne and obtained his PhD in Evolutionary Biology from the University of Bonn. A postdoc position on host-parasite co-evolution took him to the Universities of Fribourg and Basel. After four postdoc years, Marc changed lanes and got hired at the Swiss National Science Foundation. He started in 2005 in the management of the project funding in Biology & Medicine. In 2008, he became assistant of the Head of division with more policy and management related tasks. In parallel, he followed an MPA programme at the IDHEAP in Lausanne. Since 2014, Marc manages the SNSF team responsible for the National Centres of Competence in Research.
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