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Can CEDAW advance LGBTI rights ?

3758 Vues
mardi 5 septembre 2017
Rectorat - Directement rattaché au rectorat
10 years after the Yogyakarta Principles and one year after the appointment of the first ever UN expert on sexual orientation and gender, how are LGBTI rights protected internationally? This panel will examine the scope of action for the development of these rights on an international level and the role of CEDAW* in achieving a better protection. What strategies do associations like ILGA use for the promotion of LGBTI** rights? What role does CEDAW play in this context? And finally, how can LGBTI rights be advanced while being sensitive to power relations in the postcolonial context?

Introduction by Sandrine Salerno, Vice-Mayor in charge of Gender Equality and LGBTI issues, City of Geneva

Inputs by and panel discussion with:
Marjolein van den Brink, Professor at Utrecht Law School
Ratna Kapur, Visiting Professor at Queen Mary University of London
Helen Kennedy, Co-Secretary General of the International LGBTI Association ILGA (tbc)

Moderation: Michelle Cottier, Professor at Faculty of Law, University of Geneva

This public panel discussion is organised in the context of the Geneva Summer School on Human Rights, Gender and Alterity.

The discussion will be followed by an aperitif, offered by the City of Geneva

CEDAW - UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women
LGBTI- Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex


Marjolein Van den Brink, Professor at Utrecht Law School
Ratna Kapur, Visiting Professor at Queen Mary University of London
André Du Plessis, Head of UN Programme and Advocacy of the International LGBTI Association ILGA
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Can CEDAW advance LGBTI rights ?

Can CEDAW advance LGBTI rights ?

Can CEDAW advance LGBTI rights ?

Ratna Kapur, Michelle Cottier, Guillaume Mandicourt, Marjolein Van Den Brink, André Du Plessis
mardi 5 septembre 2017