28th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics

The Texas Symposia on Relativistic Astrophysics discuss astrophysical discoveries in the fields related to the relativistic theory of gravitation, cosmology, black-holes, quasars, neutron stars, X-ray binaries, gamma-ray bursts, particle acceleration, the cosmic background, dark matter and dark energy. The 28th Texas Symposium, organized by the University of Geneva, took place in Geneva December 13-18, 2015. It included morning plenary sessions and 20 afternoon parallel sessions. 460 scientists participated from 46 countries. The videos of the plenary morning sessions are available here. Presentations given during the parallel sessions are available on the conference web site at http://indico.cern.ch/event/336103/

Créé le : 18 février 2016
Mis à jour : 8 mars 2016
Année académique : 2015-2016
Faculté des sciences
Département d'astronomie
Index Date de création Titre publié visibilité Durée # Vues
1 lundi 22 février 2016 Disks and jets visible 36'16'' 2270
2 jeudi 18 février 2016 Experimental tests of general relativity in binary systems visible 33'24'' 2139
3 mardi 8 mars 2016 Magnetars: the Universe strongest magnets visible 27'20'' 1991
4 mardi 8 mars 2016 IceCube and the discovery of high-energy cosmic neutrinos visible 37'55'' 2359
5 mardi 8 mars 2016 Status of the Advanced Virgo project visible 33'13'' 2250
6 mardi 8 mars 2016 Relativistic effects in large-scale structure surveys visible 36'37'' 1754
7 mardi 8 mars 2016 CMB temperature and polarisation anisotropies: a goldmine for cosmology visible 35'48'' 2440
8 mardi 8 mars 2016 The LHC and the Universe visible 35'28'' 2351
9 mardi 8 mars 2016 Dark matter detection - an experimental overview visible 37'35'' 2390
10 mardi 8 mars 2016 Heading into the abyss: X-ray spectral timing of accreting black holes visible 38'46'' 2185
11 mardi 8 mars 2016 Exploring gravity in the strong field regime with high throughput X-ray measurements visible 36'52'' 2253
12 jeudi 18 février 2016 Cosmic ray acceleration and transport visible 38'28'' 2356
13 mardi 8 mars 2016 ESA gravitational wave observatory, eLISA and LISA Pathfinder visible 38'02'' 2335
14 mardi 8 mars 2016 Exact solutions in astrophysics visible 38'10'' 1890
15 jeudi 18 février 2016 Lest we forget visible 19'26'' 1699
16 jeudi 18 février 2016 First hundred years of GR: successes, status and prospects visible 42'05'' 2253
17 jeudi 18 février 2016 Einstein's Swiss Years visible 15'54'' 2627
18 mardi 8 mars 2016 CMB spectral distortions visible 44'04'' 2386
19 mardi 8 mars 2016 The equation of state of dense matter visible 33'02'' 2268
20 mardi 8 mars 2016 Quantum effects on black holes: evaporation, tunnelling, information leak. Anything observable ? visible 35'39'' 2294
21 mardi 8 mars 2016 A unifying description of dark energy visible 38'11'' 1750
22 mardi 8 mars 2016 Rattle and shine by compact binaries mergers visible 38'34'' 2239
23 mardi 8 mars 2016 The gamma-ray Universe visible 36'48'' 2244
24 jeudi 18 février 2016 Towards fundamental physics from cosmological surveys visible 34'15'' 2458
25 mardi 8 mars 2016 Towards a unified model for the gamma-ray burst prompt emission & a new luminosity-hardness relation for cosmology visible 27'08'' 2415