Philanthropy and Art Law

Philanthropy is increasingly a topic of keen interest to individuals and companies alike, particularly in Geneva, a canton with a long tradition of giving. Proactive thinking about the framework conditions conducive to philanthropic initiatives can only benefit such momentum. For this reason, in line with the actions already engaged by SwissFoundations, the Canton of Geneva and Fondation Lombard Odier, the Faculty of Law of the University of Geneva organises a Philanthropy series. Art donations to Museums: Comparative perspectives and Recommendations for Switzerland Under the chairmanship of Professor Marc-André Renold, an international panel of specialists will present the legal frameworks of France, Switzerland and the United States concerning the art donations to museums. Presentations will be followed by a debate with practitioners and a discussion on strategies and possible guidelines that could be adopted in this field. PANELISTS Uli Sigg, Collector and former Swiss Ambassador to the People’s Republic of China Bernard Fibicher, Director of Lausanne's Cantonal Museum of Fine Art Pierre Gabus, Attorney-at-law, Member of the Geneva bar, President of the Art Law Foundation Corinne Hershkovitch, Attorney-at-law, Partner, Cabinet Borghese, Paris Stephen Urice, Professor at the University of Miami, President of the International Cultural Property Society Marc-André Renold, Professor at the University of Geneva, Director of the Art Law Centre, Attorney-at-law

Créé le : 9 février 2015
Mis à jour : 9 février 2015
Année académique : 2014-2015
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1 lundi 9 février 2015 Philanthropy and Art Law visible 02h53'11'' 1549
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