Digital Media and Heritage Tourism: A Map

Conférence organisée par le CUI et l'Institut Confucius The presentation will explore the overlapping area between digital media, tourism and heritage, providing a map of it: the ‘ABCDE’ framework. This framework, which has been presented in the Handbook on Heritage, Sustainable Tourism and Digital Media indicates five main areas of interaction: Access, Better, Connect, Dis-intermediate and Educate. Such dimensions will be presented through several cases and projects, highlighting related opportunities as well as challenges. In particular, the cases of #iWareBatik and “Machu Picchu Seen through the eyes of Fernando Astete” will be introduced and discussed.

Créé le : 9 juin 2023
Mis à jour : 9 juin 2023
Année académique : 2022-2023
Centre universitaire d'informatique CUI
Directement rattaché au CUI
Index Date de création Titre publié visibilité Durée # Vues
1 mardi 13 juin 2023 Digital Media and Heritage Tourism: A Map visible 42'39'' 491
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