LEADING FOR INCLUSION: How Managing Diversity and Unlearning Intolerance Are Key to Building Resilient Organizations and SocietiesMon webinaire

This webinar will explore the themes of diversity, inclusion and leadership and demonstrate through inspiring examples that leadership has nothing to do with age or status. The Executive Director of the Kofi Annan Foundation will share reflections on leadership based on her over 30 years of experience in leading large teams in the multicultural context of the United Nations. She will attempt to debunk a number of deeply ingrained myths about the nature of leadership and will talk of her journey from seeking diversity to facilitating inclusion and belonging. Extremely Together Young Leader will describe her journey of setting up an initiative to address significant societal challenges and how her background, career path and motivations, as well as the persisting obstacles to youth inclusion, have shaped her into becoming the leader she is today. Despite these obstacles, she will also explore how any young person can become a leader even amid today's challenging circumstances. The Founder & CEO of Positive Energy Leaders will explore with us what leadership means in terms of building the sustainable world of tomorrow. A challenge that will ask that we rise beyond inclusion to togetherness. And three practical shifts that anyone can make to activate their next generation leadership potential right now – regardless of position or title. Corinne Momal-Vanian Executive Director Kofi Annan Foundation Arizza Nocum Young Leader Extremely Together Philippines Louise Le Gat Founder and CEO Positive Energy Leaders Moderation : Alexandre Hedjazi Institute for Environmental Sciences & International Relations and Partnerships Office University of Geneva

Créé le : 2 juillet 2021
Mis à jour : 2 juillet 2021
Année académique : 2020-2021
Directement rattaché au rectorat
Index Date de création Titre publié visibilité Durée # Vues
1 vendredi 2 juillet 2021 LEADING FOR INCLUSION: How Managing Diversity and Unlearning Intolerance Are Key to Building Resilient Organizations and SocietiesMon webinaire visible 01h18'05'' 357