Workshop on multiscale methods for deterministic and stochastic dynamics

The goal of this two day workshop organized by the University of Geneva, Section of Mathematics, is to bring together experts on the active topic of multiscale methods for deterministic and stochastic dynamics to present their research work and to provoke discussions and exchanges of ideas. The participation of PhD students, post-docs and advanced students is encouraged. Dates: Wednesday 29th and Thursday 30th January 2020. Place: University of Geneva, Uni Bastions in lecture hall B106 (first floor). Université de Genève, Uni Bastions. Rue De-Candolle 5, 1205 Genève, Switzerland. List of confirmed speakers: Assyr Abdulle (EPF Lausanne) Anaïs Crestetto (University of Nantes) Jason Frank (Utrecht University) Laurence Halpern (University Paris 13) Carsten Hartmann (BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg) Lise-Marie Imbert-Gérard (University of Maryland) Annika Lang (Chalmers/University of Gothenburg) Frédéric Legoll (ENPC, ParisTech) Gabriel Lord (Radboud University) Greg Pavliotis (Imperial College London) Caroline Wormell (University of Sydney) Kostas Zygalakis (University of Edinburgh) Organizers: Georg Gottwald (University of Sydney) and Gilles Vilmart (University of Geneva). Local organisation team: Ibrahim Almuslimani, Guillaume Bertoli and Adrien Laurent. Registration. There are no registration fees, however, in order to assist with planning the event, we kindly ask all attendants to register by completing the online form, even if you are not planning to present a poster. Support. This workshop is part of the University of Sydney - University of Geneva Partnership Collaboration Awards. We acknowledge the support of this meeting by the Swiss National Science Foundation, the International Office, the Faculty of Science and the Section of Mathematics of the University of Geneva. Announcement poster: download here (PDF). Contact. For any question, please contact or one of the organizers.

Créé le : 4 février 2020
Mis à jour : 4 février 2020
Année académique : 2019-2020
Faculté des sciences
Section de mathématiques
Index Date de création Titre publié visibilité Durée # Vues
2 mercredi 5 février 2020 Hybrid modeling for the stochastic simulation of multi-scale chemical kinetics.mp4 visible 41'17'' 598
3 mercredi 5 février 2020 A detectability criterion for sequential data assimilation.mp4 visible 24'24'' 487
4 mercredi 5 février 2020 Numerics and a model for the stochastically forced vorticity equation.mp4 visible 35'51'' 533
5 mercredi 5 février 2020 Multiscale analysis of a transmission problem visible 37'57'' 968
6 mardi 4 février 2020 Micro-macro discretizations for collisional kinetic equations of Boltzmann-BGK type in the diffusive scaling visible 37'28'' 480
7 mardi 4 février 2020 Rare event simulation of slow-fast systems.mp4 visible 41'12'' 889
8 mercredi 5 février 2020 Finite element approximation of Lyapunov equations for the computation of quadratic functionals of SPDEs.mp4 visible 28'37'' 551
9 mardi 4 février 2020 Stabilized explicit multirate methods for ordinary and stochastic differential equations with multiple scales visible 46'57'' 571
10 mardi 4 février 2020 Linear response in high-dimensional chaotic systems visible 30'04'' 489
11 mercredi 5 février 2020 Multiscale stochastic dynamics: effective dynamics and parareal computations.mp4 visible 44'14'' 526
12 mardi 4 février 2020 Mean field limits for weakly interacting diffusions: phase transitions, multiscale analysis and fluctuations visible 43'08'' 526